Books & Writers of the East Shore
Affleck, Edward L.
Kootenay Pathfinders: Settlement in the Kootenay District 1885 – 1920, Alexander Nicolls Press, Vancouver, BC, 1976. *Includes Boswell memories by Jessie Hepher; details on Kootenay Lake sternwheelers, events chronology, etc – FR

Sternwheelers, Sandbars and Switchbacks: A Chronicle of Steam Transportation in the British Columbia Waterways of the Columbia River System, 1865 to 1965, Alexander Nicolls Press, Vancouver, BC, 1973. *Includes the memories of Kootenay steamboat captain Otto L. Estabrooks -FR
Armstrong, Luanne
young adult, Ronsdale Press 2017
A Bright and Steady Flame Memoir
Caitlin Press, 2018
Morven and the Horse Clan
young adult, Great Plains Publications, 2013.
I’ll Be Home Soon
Ronsdale Press, Fall 2012
The Light Through the Trees, Reflections on Land and Farming
Caitlin Press, 2012
Pete’s Gold
a young adult, Ronsdale Press, 2008
Blue Valleys
An Ecological Memoir,
Maa Press, 2007
Into the Sun
young adult,
Hodgepog Books, 2002
The Bone House
New Star Books, 2002
Jeannie and the Gentle Giants
young adult
Ronsdale Press, 2001
Maggie and Shine
young adult novel,
Hodgepog Books, 1999
The Colour of Water,
a novel,
Caitlin Press, 1998
Water and Light, poetry chapbook, 2011.
Breathing The Mountain, poetry chapbook, Leaf Books, 2003.
Bordering, a novel, Gynergy Books – imprint of Ragweed Press, PEI, 1995.
Arly and Spike, a children’s novel, and Canadian Children’s Book Centre Our Choice selection, Hodgepog Press, Edmonton AB, 1997.
The Woman in the Garden, poetry chapbook, Peachtree Press, 1996.
Annie, a novel, and a Canadian Children’s Book Centre Our Choice Selection, Polestar Press, Vancouver BC, 1995. Also published in Germany by Beltz & Gelberg.
Castle Mountain, poetry, Polestar Press, Nelson BC, 1981, re-issued by Polestar in February 2002.
Edited Anthologies by Luanne Armstrong
The Purcell Suite, published by Maa Press, 2007.
Slice me Some Truth, with Zoe Landale , Wolsak and Wynn
Anthology Contributions by Luanne Armstrong
No Margins, edited by Catherine Lake, Insomniac Press, 2006.
Body Breakdowns, edited by Janis Harper, Anvil Press, Vancouver BC, 2008.
Double Lives: Writing and Motherhood, edited by Shannon Cowan and Fiona Lam, McGill-Queen’s University Press 2008.
Country Roads, edited by Pam Chamberlain, Red Deer Press, Nimbus Publishing.
The Federation of BC Writers Anthology, edited by Daniel Francis, 2008.
Country Roads, edited by Pamela Banting, 2006.
Bach, Marcus
Let Life Be Like This, Prentice Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, 1963. *Includes a tribute to Bach’s friend George Oliver of Gray Creek – FR.
Bath, Amanda
Disaster in Paradise: The Landslides in Johnson’s Landing, Harbour Publishing, Madeira Park, British Columbia, 2015.
Boswell Beginnings: A History of Boswell, B.C. and Area up to 1950, Boswell Ladies Club, Boswell, British Columbia, 1986.
Boswell Beginnings and Beyond, a reprint of the original with 100 pages of new material; Boswell Ladies Club, Boswell, British Columbia, 1986.
Brant, Leonard Corwin
Kootenai Indians of the Columbia Plateau: A Gathering of History, Ethnography, and Sources, [Ktunaxa] Northwest Research and Publications, Post Falls, Idaho, 2015.
Bruce, Alice (Lymbery)
Kootenay Sketchbook 1920, art and writing by Gray Creek’s Kathleen Lymbery and Alice (Lymbery) Bruce, with Drawings from the Sketchbook of Kathleen Lymbery, 1891 – 1974, Pigweed Press, Winlaw, British Columbia, 1981.
Burt, Ellen
What Forever Feels Like: A Memoir of Johnsons Landing, published by the author, 2018.
Butling, Pauline
The Deanshaven Story: How to Float a Grand Piano and Other Necessities of Invention, the Deane family and their historic property south of Riondel – FR, published by the author, 2013.
Chapman, Peter
Where the Lardeau River Flows, includes interviews with Argenta residents – FR, Sound Heritage Series No. 32, Victoria, British Columbia, 1981.
Clark, Catherine Anthony (using pen name Catherine Armsmith)
Fairy Tales of Kootenay, Arthur H. Stockwell Ltd., London, England, 1929.
Clark, Catherine Anthony
The Sun Horse
Macmillan, Toronto, Ontario, 1951.
The One-Winged Dragon
Macmillan, Toronto, Ontario, 1955.
The Silver Man
Macmillan,Toronto, Ontario, 1958.
The Diamond Feather, or The Door in the Mountain: A Magic Tale for Children
Macmillan, Toronto, Ontarion, 1962.
The Man with the Yellow Eyes
Macmillan, Toronto, Ontario, 1963.
The Golden Pine Cone
Macmillan, Toronto, Ontario, 1950.
The Hunter and the Medicine Man, Gray Creek’s award-winning children’s author modeled several of her books on local East Shore settings such as Crawford Bay (The Sun Horse) and Gray Creek (The Golden Pine Cone) – FR; Macmillan, Toronto, Ontario, 1966.
Dorothy’s Stormy Lake, From the Journal of Dorothy Brown [Part I and II], compiled by Joan Wooliver, published 2000 & 2003.
Dorothy’s Stormy Lake, From the Journal of Dorothy Graham Brown [Part III, IV & V], edited by Brenda Dau; this five-volume series chronicling life at Walker’s Landing south of Riondel (now Yasodhara Ashram) and elsewhere on the East Shore from 1930 to 1966 – FR; published 2008, 2009 & 2012.
Fraser, William
Four Score and More: Pioneer Life in the Kootenays, published by the author, 1982.
Vintage Vignettes, Here and There – Retrospections Over Eighty-eight Years, Travel and Other Memories, Nelson, British Columbia, Nelson Daily News, ca. 1985. *Two – volume memoir of a pioneering Crawford Bay farmer and entrepreneur, his family, and neighbouring East Shore communities – FR
Harvey, R.G.
Carving the Western Path: Routes To Remember, Heritage House, Surrey, British Columbia, 2006. *Includes East Shore roads, road-building, and Kootenay Lake ferries – FR
Hodgson, Maurice
The Squire of Kootenay West: A Biography of Bert Herridge, Hancock House, Saanichton, British Columbia, 1976. *During his lengthy term as CCF/NDP MP for Kootenay West, Herridge was a tireless, outspoken advocate for his East Shore constituents. – FR
Hulland, Susan
East Shore Visitors’ Guide, Including the Communities of Wynndel, Boswell, Gray Creek, Crawford Bay & Riondel, Summit Press, Crawford Bay:, BC, 1989.
The History of Pilot Bay Lighthouse on Kootenay Lake, published by the author, 1997.
Shipwreck on Kootenay Lake: The Story of the S.S. City of Ainsworth, published by the author, 2000.
Hulland, Susan & Turner, A. Terry
Remember When: Celebrating 100 Years of Crawford Bay on Kootenay Lake, British Columbia, published by the authors, 2004.
Johnson-Dean, Christina
The Life and Art of Ina D. D. Uhthoff, Mother Tongue Publishing, Salt Spring Island, BC, 2012. *Includes Ina’s married life on a Crawford Bay homestead before pursuing an artist’s and art educator’s career in Victoria – FR
Lymbery, Tom
Tom’s Gray Creek, A Kootenay Lake Memoir. Part I: Early Years to 1945, edited by Frances Roback, Gray Creek Publishing, Gray Creek, BC, 2013; reprinted 2014.
Lymbery, Tom w/ Roback, Frances
Tom’s Gray Creek, A Kootenay Lake Memoir. Part II: Years of Change, 1946 to 1980, edited by Frances Roback, Gray Creek Publishing, Gray Creek, BC, 2016. *Two-volume memoir by veteran Gray Creek storyteller and local history writer, Tom Lymbery, on living, working, community, and transformation of Gray Creek and the East Shore from road-less isolation, to hub central for all BC travelers, to recent times – a span of 70 years. – FR
McDonald, J.D. & Deane, Richie
The Span: The Bizarre Story of the Kootenay Lake Crossing, Rossland Historical Museum & Archives Association, Rossland, BC, 2001. *Bringing electric power to the East Shore and beyond by means of an ingeniously-engineered two-mile span across Kootenay Lake – the longest span in the world at the time – FR
Nesteroff, Greg
Kootenay Pioneers, Nelson Star, Nelson, BC, 2013; reprinted from Greg Nesteroff’s “Kootenay Pioneers” series in Nelson Star in 2012. *Includes profiles of East Shore locals and others with deep connections to the East Shore: Mary Carne, Earle Cutler, Eric & Peggy Denny, Ray Johnson, Bert Learmonth, Tom Lymbery, John Oliver, Betty Tillotson -FR
Paterson, Bruce
Kootenay Cameos: Tales of the West Kootenays, published by the author, 2014(?).
Kootenay Cameos: Tales of the West Kootenays, Volume 2, published by the author, 2015. *Two-volume series of pictures and stories including several East Shore sites: Wedgwood Manor, Kootenay Landing, Gray Creek’s plane trees, Harrison Memorial Community Church, Wall mine, Akokli Creek flume; and Gray Creek’s Henry Rose memorial shelter – FR
Pennell, Bill
Early Exposures: A Photographic Memoir, Friesen Press, Victoria, 2017. *Includes photos and memories of Gray Creek in the 1970s – FR
Saso, Paul
Kootenay Inspired: Stories and Photos of Extraordinary Kootenay Lives, Spark Books, Nelson, BC, 2017. *Includes Luanne Armstrong, East Shore author, editor, and mentor to a host of local writers – FR
Schwieger, Janet – ed
Fishes and Wishes and Fruit: 1915 Diary of H. Colin Haddon, Gray Creek Historical Society, Gray Creek, BC, 2005. *Diaries and writings of Colin Haddon, Gray Creek homesteader, road worker, sternwheeler deck hand, magazine columnist and story author in Rod & Gun in Canada – FR
Scott, Wendy M.E – ed
A Recollection of Memories: Riondel 1907 – 2007, published by the author, Riondel, BC, 2007.
Tillotson, Betty – ed
Skills for Simple Living: How-to Letters from the Home Front for Tomorrow’s World, Hartley & Marks, Ltd., Vancouver, BC, 1991. *Compiled from 20 years of the Argenta magazine, The Smallholder sharing readers’ views and innovative solutions to rural living in the Kootenays, and to living lightly on the earth – FR
Trevelyan, Katharine
Unharboured Heaths, Selwyn and Blount Ltd, London, England, 1934. *Includes Katharine’s memories of her 1931 stay in Gray Creek with the Lymberys – FR
Turner, A. Terry
Bluebell Memories: A Pictorial History of the Bluebell Mine, Riondel, B.C., The Riondel Historical Society, Riondel, BC, 1997.
More Than a Memory: Riondel, British Columbia, 1907 – 2007, The Riondel Centennial Celebration Committee, Riondel, BC, 2008.
Turner, A. Terry & Hulland, Susan
Impressions of the Past: The Early History of the Communities of Crawford Bay, Gray Creek, Kootenay Bay, Pilot Bay and Riondel on the East Shore of Kootenay Lake, British Columbia, Riondel and Area Historical Society, Riondel, BC, 2002.
Turner, Robert D.
Sternwheelers and Steam Tugs: An Illustrated History of the Canadian Pacific Railway’s British Columbia Lake and River Service, Sono Nis Press, Victoria, BC, 1984. *Includes a detailed account of Kootenay Lake’s sternwheelers which served the East Shore – FR
The S.S. Moyie: Memories of the Oldest Sternwheeler, Sono Nis Press, Victoria, BC, 1991.
Turner – High, Harry Holber
Ethnography of the Kutenai [Ktunaxa], Ye Galleon Press, Fairfield, WA, 1998. reprinted from Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association no. 56, 1941)
Wagon Train Over The Monashee, as told by Edward Patterson, written by Doug Cox and Elizabeth Pryce. Skookum Publications, Penticton, BC, 1988. *Patterson’s memoir of the caravan trek from Alberta to northern BC in 1933 with 250 head of horses, including travelling up the East Shore to Gray Creek and crossing Kootenay Lake – FR
Watson, Alf
No Pass Too High, No Trail Too Long: The Epic Story of the 1st Chapman Camp Scout Group’s Historic Hike Over the Rugged East and West Kootenays in 1927, Malcolm C. Watson, Victoria, BC, 1997. *Chronicling the young scouts’ 300 mile journey in 1927 by boat, train, packhorse and on foot from Chapman Camp (north of Marysville), across Rose Pass to Kootenay Lake, Kaslo, New Denver, across Kokanee Glacier Park, down Kootenay Lake to Kootenay Landing, and return – FR
Wah, Fred
The Diamond Grill, NeWest Press, first published 1996.
Zaiss, Doreen
The Thorn; a family of women confronts the challenges of living in Norway at the turn of the 19th century as they meet poverty, death, mental illness, sexual abuse, alienation, and Mormon missionaries while trying to navigate cruel winters and the exodus of most of the men in the village during cod season. EncreLibre, 2021.
Will Morris